Fiche cheval fantastic artist

R5C6plathandicap 19666lingfield park1800M7207download the at the races app handicap (class 6)9 partantsdépart à 18:48
Non-partants : 4
16native melodyF33p4p5p4p0prob hornby8.4/101:56
22tenraiF38p0p0p(22)6palec voikhansky12/1encolure
33metricF34p6p5pcieren fallon5.7/11 l 3/4
49alicefromumbridgeF37p7p7p5p0pkieran o'neill24/1encolure
55caramayF30p8p0pgeorgia dobie6.6/11/2 l
71goose rockH31p6p2p5p5padam tracey2.2/1encolure
4beach kittyF36p9p9pjefferson smith3.5/1
67fantastic artistH30p8p9p(22)7pray dawson31/12 l
88angel de luzF37p4p3p5p3pdaniel muscutt7.5/1nez

R5C3platcourse a conditions 31766kempton park1600M7994novice stakes (class 5) (div 1)11 partantsdépart à 18:00
Non-partants : 2 - 4
11tyndrum goldH21pjack mitchell1.6/101:39
2stenton gliderF21pjames doyle5.6/1
23garrick painterH23prossa ryan8.8/12 l
4royal capeM29pross coakley28/1
35strategiaM25p5pluke morris10/11/2 l
410sea the buckthornH2Inéditdavid probert13/11 l 1/2
59ranger thunderboltH26pkevin stott33/1nez
68johnjayM20pcharles bishop57/11 l 3/4
77fantastic artistH29pfinley marsh62/12 l 1/2
86rogue tornadoM28pcieren fallon37/11 l 3/4
911immersionF20p0pjason watson66/130 l

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